Our Mission
The mission of the Military Order of the Purple Heart Department of Florida is to foster an environment of goodwill and camaraderie among combat wounded veterans, promote patriotism, support necessary legislative initiatives, and most importantly, provide service to all veterans and their families throughout Florida.

Purple Heart on Wood

Purple Heart on Wood
Our Purpose
The general nature and purpose of this Corporation is educational, fraternal, historical, and patriotic, perpetuating the principles of liberty and justice which have created the United States of America. These objects may be carried out in various ways, including: by commemorating all national patriotic holidays; maintaining true allegiance to the government of the United States of America and fidelity to its Constitution and laws; allegiance to the laws and statutes of the State of Florida; preserving and strengthening comradeship and patriotism amongst its members; assisting, comforting, and aiding all needy and distressed members and their dependents; with other civic and patriotic organizations having worthy objectives; keeping alive the achievements and memory of our country's founders; ever cherishing the memory of General George Washington, who founded the Purple Heart, at his headquarters at Newburgh-on-the-Hudson, on August 7, 1782; influencing and teaching our citizenry, in a loyal appreciation of the heritage of American citizenship, with its responsibilities and privileges; and preserving and defending the United States of America from all enemies whomsoever.